Cars Of The Past

Hello and Welcome!

Greetings. My name is Ian Walker and I am an accountant. This website is merely a hobby site. I started creating it a few months ago when a serious road accident left me housebound; and I found myself, for probably the first time in my life, wondering what I should do all day!

My wife suggested, almost lightheartedly, that I should put up some websites about my favourite subjects. This was easier said than done since, apart from the fact that I can just about use a mobile phone, I started out completely computer illiterate. However, I found numerous sources of education on the Internet and after several weeks I managed to learn how to use, although not master, a magic language called HTML.

I built the site using this HTML stuff and to be absolutely honest it looked dreadful. I had visions of my clients stumbling across the website and deciding that, if that was the best I could do, they may have been better taking their business elsewhere!

So, the next thing I had to do was to learn another magical language called CSS. It really opened my eyes to the ingenuity of the people who were instrumental in creating this method of displaying text and images in such imaginative ways.

The final thing I had to do was to decide just what to write about. Older cars have always been a passion of mine, not least of all because I have never been able to afford a new one! So, hopefully this website will give you at least a little amusement, although I doubt very much if anyone will learn anything from it.

As a result of my injuries it is likely that I will be housebound for many more years at least so if you wish to pass some time by dropping me an e-mail with any comments you want to make about this website (or suggestions about other subjects I could write about) you can contact me at

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